Thursday, April 30, 2015

First Blue Man Group Concert

On my vacation on the last day at 8:40pm, I went to a stadium that was basically pitch black, the only thing white was the balls on the ceiling.  On my black leather seat was a clear pancho.  I was getting really excited and scared that I would get paint on my shoes.  I saw a sign that said "this is your last chance to use your cell phone, so take a selfie, text your BFF, go on twitter, check a cookie, like a hooky and go crazy."  Once I read that I told my parents to look at it and we all started laughing.

After that, I started looking around at everyone and I was amazed how many people came to the show.  Then this lady in a beautiful red and black dress came in and said "why is everyone wearing plastic bags?" and everyone started laughing.  I looked over to my left and saw another couple in fancy clothes and when they put pn their pancho they put their head into the arm whole and I turned to my dad and said, "look over there" and when my dad saw what I was looking at, we started laughing.

When the concert started everyone started screaming and I was so excited!  The Blue men came out and they had drums.  One guy had yellow paint and he started dumping that in, then the other guy had pinkish-red paint and he dumped that in.  Then everything stopped.  The guy with the yellow paint poured everything into his bottle (it took like 5 mins) then the third guy beat the drum, paint splattered everywhere!

Then one guy threw a paint ball into another guys mouth and I screamed "that is so gross!"

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